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Experienced Estheticians

We have well trained, experienced and Knowledgeable Estheticians. Our licensed Etheticians have years of experience and education, which makes them qualified to provide you professional products and services customized for your skin.

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Image Skincare Products

We use Image Skincare Sophisticated skin analysis to analyze your skin and customize the facial treatment to your needs. This product line uses organic plant-based ingredients obtained through cutting-edge skincare research.

This lets us provide attention  to your skin concerns to achieve the results you wish. Plus facial treatments are relaxing & pampering, just like massage treatments.

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Latest Technology in Private Setting

At J. Sterling’s Spas, state of the art skin care is provided in private rooms equipped with latest technology. Medical grade products with stronger concentration & prescription strength ingredients, along with effective peels and microdermabrasion can be used to tackle serious skin concerns like acne, wrinkles, pigmentation and loss of elasticity.

Contact us today to book your customized facial, and our Trained Estheticians will help you get a glowing skin.

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